ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) claim hundreds of lives each year. The Consumer Product Safety Commission attributes 150,000 serious injuries annually to ATVs. These injuries are usually as a result of lack of safety regulations and defective design.


  • Paralysis
  • Brain Injury
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Amputation

ATVs are three or four wheel motorized vehicles that can weigh up to 1,000 pounds. ATVs can reach speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. These characteristics together with faulty design contribute to lack of stability and safety which could ultimately cause serious accidents and injuries. Faulty design has led to many product liability claims against manufacturers.


  • Manufacturing Defect
  • Design Defect


  • Arctic Cat 2005 FIS &TBX
  • Bombardier 2006-2007 Outlander 650 and 800
  • Honda 2005 & 2006 TRX400EX and 2004-2005 FourTrax
  • Kawasaki 2001-2005 Brute Force and Prairie
  • Suzuki 2005 LT-A700XK5 King Quad and 2004-2006 Eiger

A more complete and accurate list of recalled ATVs including the reason for each recall can be found at the government website for ATV safety. [ ]

Faulty design, failure to warn of potential risks and failure to recall defective parts and products could make a manufacturer responsible for ATV accident claims.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in an ATV accident, it is imperative to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney specializing in ATV accidents and injuries. The Law Offices of Randy C. Botwinick will assist you in obtaining compensation for your:

  • Injuries
  • Present and Future Medical Expenses
  • Emotional Stress
  • Loss of Income