Quadriplegia is a condition that causes a person to lose muscle control of the upper and lower extremities. Quadriplegia occurs as the result of a spinal cord injury at the neck level. Quadriplegia can impair breathing and cause paralysis of the arms, legs and trunk. A quadriplegia injury is commonly caused by:
- Car Accidents
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Trucking Accidents
- Bicycle Accidents
- Construction Accidents
- Dangerous Property Conditions
Without the use of any limbs, quadriplegics will require around the clock care. People who are quadriplegic also have difficulty communicating. They will need help with the following daily activities:
- Eating
- Dressing
- Moving Around
- Bladder Control/Bowel Movement
For quadriplegics, the average lifetime care cost can easily top a million dollars. There are many causes of quadriplegia that were due to the negligence or reckless actions of a person or a third party and ultimately these accidents could have been prevented. That is why it is important to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can try to obtain compensation for:
- Pain and Suffering
- Medical Expenses
- Lost Wages
If you or someone close to you has been involved in an accident and become quadriplegic, seek the advice of an experienced and competent attorney. Call the Law Offices of Randy C. Botwinick for an immediate consultation.